Elite Development Coaching are committed to safeguarding and ensuring the protection of all children who enter our community. Our children have the right to feel safe and protected whilst engaging in our activities.
The welfare and wellbeing will always be at the forefront and we will ensure effective safeguarding practices exist and are reviewed to develop a strong framework.
Our staff are all FA qualified in Safeguarding Children and further training is given to all on a frequent basis.
If you have a concern and you want to discuss further please contact :
Designated Safeguarding Lead
07585 229692
For urgent concerns please call 999.
In addition to contacting us the following contacts are available for advice or reporting safeguarding concerns.
Help for children or young people, call ChildLine 0800 1111
24/7 Support - 116 123
Sussex FA
01903 768578
Sussex Mental Healthline
0300 304 0078